In this segment, you can learn all about the wild survivors in the Animal World, those who live in coldest or hottest climates, the darkest ocean and the highest mountains as Quinn and Lodi travel around the planet looking for some extreme adaptations! Climb on board for an exciting and educational journey full of fun, facts and fantasy!
Conquerors of the Cold: Animals in the Arctic Regions
Get ready for a wild ride to discover animals that can survive and thrive in some of the coldest places on earth! Whether it be pairs of black and white penguins or the fluffy and strong polar bears: They all have different reasons why they dominate even in such extreme cold conditions. Find out more about the incredible wild ones in cooler climes in the animal kingdom in this episode!
Monsters and Mysteries: Animals in the Deep Sea
Which is better - an animal which creates its own light or an animal which can live in both the sunlight and the deepest dark parts at the bottom of the sea? Come along with Quinn and Lodi as they go undercover to the iconic deep sea full of mysteries. In this episode, we will meet some animals who rule and roam around this treacherous waterscape environment. Learn about awesome adaptable animals like vampire squid and other deep sea species in this episode of Animal World!
Dune Dwellers: Animals in the Desert
Be inspired by these hardcore animals which survive the harshest extreme temperatures! From the desert sparrow to the snow leopard, get to know more about the vast range of adaptations to very high and very low desert temperatures and discover how their bodies work with limited options and difficult weather.
Flying High: Animals in the Mountains
Inspired by animals which fly and live high up in the mountains? Join Quinn and Lodi as they rise up to the challenge and help us discover fun facts about condors and even mountain goats. As a member of this mountaineering story expedition, you will also love the small but mighty yellow-rumped leafy-eared mouse. Get ready to soar!
Best for ages 5+
This Tonie teaches kids about:
- Animal survival in extreme environments
- Mysterious creatures of the natural world
- Unique and fascinating wildlife
- Imaginative, fact-filled adventures with fun educational twists
Toniebox sold separately.
Conquerors of the Cold: Animals in the Arctic Regions
1. Intro
2. Penguin Party
3. Lodistar Quiz 1
4. Polar Bear Extraordinaire
5. Lodistar Quiz 2
6. Outro
Monsters and Mysteries: Animals in the Deep Sea
1. Intro
2. Into the Deep
3. Lodistar Quiz 1
4. Interview with a Vampire Squid
5. Lodistar Quiz 2
6. Outro
Dune Dwellers: Animals in the Desert
1. Intro
2. The Dromedary Camel
3. Lodistar Quiz Game 1
4. The Snow Leopard
5. Lodistar Quiz Game 2
6. Outro
Flying High: Animals in the Mountains
1. Intro
2. The Andean Condor
3. Lodistar Quiz Game 1
4. The Mountain Goat
5. Lodistar Quiz Game 2
6. Outro
Total Run Time: 99 minutes